Tonight began the new study in Proverbs 31 - I think it went wonderfully too! Just from researching what the chapter entails, I got convicted quickly. There is so much to live up to when it comes to those guidelines to live by as a Godly woman. Although all the verses come together as a whole, we focused on the importance of commitment. We will move at a slower pace and will be looking at the lives of some of the women through the Bible that lived up to these standards of a Godly woman.
Before any study, hobby, job, project, or anything else you plan on doing in life, you should plan on doing it well and carrying through til the end. These verses are SO incredibly important for a woman of any time period. It doesn't matter if it's someone in the 1800's or if it's in the 2000's - a Godly woman is a Godly woman no matter what. Yes, according to Bob Dylan "the times, they are a-changin'". However, our God hasn't changed and His requirements for what he expects of us have not changed. Tonight we did a visual to explain commitment: If you have people coming over that you care for and want to impress, you aren't going to serve them takeout food in a Styrofoam container. More than likely, you will pull out the nicest stuff you have and will make sure everything looks appealing. Even if you do order takeout (like I would because I don't cook), you won't leave it in the box it came in. You'll put some effort into making it look nice. Tonight we took the same meal and one was thrown in a takeout box and the other was on Dollar Tree dishes. The same commitment is required of us when it comes to our relationship with God. He doesn't want our rushed efforts at an attempt to please Him. He would rather have your heart and time that was spent putting forth the small effort to make that takeout look the very best it could in your Dollar Tree serving dishes. You get more out of studying one verse for 10 minutes at a time than you do when you try to read a chapter in 10 minutes just to say you read it. God is pleased more when you spend your time wisely in the scriptures and actually strive to learn rather than just skim through it to check it off your list of good deeds for the day.
So...What's gonna work? TEAMWORK! If everyone takes one verse at a time and truly studies it, we will all gain more from it. When we come together to share and discuss you will be able to give more input and share what God has shown to you. We don't all see things the same way. Bible study is one of the few times where this comes in handy as a useful tool. Anything you can add is going to be beneficial if you've actually studied and prayed about the lesson.
We committed and finished Esther, and I'm very proud of everyone sticking with it and staying until the end. I think it went very well, but now we are in the hang of studying a little more and I want to slow it down and do a smaller section of scripture. This scripture is up for more personal interpretation and for you to observe your life and figure out where you need to improve and what things you could be doing as a Godly woman for Christ.
I hope you are looking forward to this one as much as I am. I promise I'll keep this blog more up to date than the other because we won't be doing such a large amount of information at a time. Plus, I'll have my extra time that was spent burning DVDs. God bless everyone who has read this and I hope you keep our ladies group in your prayers that we could learn and grow as God would have us to.
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